Refund Policy:

一.Returns due to buyer's reasons

1. When you purchase a product, before you get the logistics tracking number, you can contact customer service at at any time to obtain a refund, and we will process it for you within 48 hours. Refunds will be made to your original payment account.
2. When you purchase a product, you have obtained a logistics tracking number, but you have not received the product. If you want to cancel the order, please contact customer service immediately to discuss a solution.
3. When you purchase a product and you have received it, the product does not have any technical problems, but you change your mind about purchasing and want a refund, then you need to pay the seller a certain shipping fee and bear the cost of return. For specific fees, please contact customer service at for support.

二. Returns due to seller’s reason

If the product has any unsolvable technical problems, please email within 2 years (The receipt will be subject to the logistics information display.)  after receiving the goods for instructions on how to get full refund or exchange or maintain. Our products support 30 days return, 6 months replacement and free maintenance service within two years.

Note:For orders over 30 days, we do not provide refund service. But you can replace it.

Regarding refunds: 30 days after the logistics shows receipt. If your product has any unresolved technical problems, you can return it to our designated address. After receiving your returned product, we will process the refund for you within 7 working days.
Note:Products should be returned to our specified warehouse. We will not refund you if you send back to another location without permission.So please contact us before preparing to return or replace the product.

Regarding replacement: Logistics shows 180 days (6 months) after receipt. If your product has any unresolved technical issues, you can return it to our designated address. After receiving your returned product, we will replace it with a brand new one within 3 working days, when we resend, we will inform you of the resend tracking number via email.

Regarding repair: Logistics shows 720 days (2 years) after receipt. If your product has any unresolved technical issues, you can return it to our designated address. After receiving your returned product, we will repair it for you within 3 months. After the repair is completed, we will send the repaired device to you within 7 working days. When we resend it, we will Email informing you of resending tracking number. 

Return address:

Street: Unit 3, Building 2, Zone D, Zhenxing, Simao District

District: Yunnan

City: Puer

Postcode: 665099

Country: China

Tel: +86 17264278874

Please check the address with us again before returning the package.

Return cost: The cost of returning the product shall be borne by the buyer.

Return handling fee: No other handling fees and service fees

Refund time:
If you need a refund, then we will process the refund for you within 7 working days after receiving your returned(The refund will arrive in your original payment account). Please keep in touch with us.
If you need to replace the product, then we will confirm the address with you after receiving the returned, and send you a brand new product within 2-3 working days, you do not need to bear any other costs.

Other charges:There are no ohter charges